Starry Nights

Gone are those nights when we as kids used to count how many stars were up in the sky. How many gifts we got on our birthday from family and friends. How many seashells were hidden in the seashore.

Life was so much easier when we were kids, eating, sleeping, playing with the new toys were all that we ever wanted. No one told us that life will be so tough when we grow up.

We thought that growing up will solve all our problems and make life easier but the more we enter the world of adulthood, things got more complicated. Our thinking, perceptions and interpretations are different from one another. We fail to understand each other emotions, thoughts and words as we are too busy thinking what others might think.

Half of our lives is wasted pleasing everyone around us. Sacrificing our own happiness for the sake of others. Living the life not the way we wish to live but what others feels is best for us. One of the quote I really like is:

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

– Martin Luther King JR

In order to be happy and successful, live the life you want to live and make sure to live it without any regrets.

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.